眾星雲集 美國第十三屆亞美節回放 The 13th AADay Festival held successfully in Boston Common
眾星雲集 美國第十三屆亞美節回放
2023年9月9日,由波士頓房產網Blue Ocean Realty冠名贊助的美國第十三屆亞美節,在波士頓市中心Boston Common內盛大開幕。州參議員Marc Pacheco, 臨時議長Will Brownsberger, 波士頓市議長Ed Flynn,中國駐紐約總領事领侨处主任陳軍超、领事陳曲鋒,大韓民國駐波士頓領事館總領事金在熙,拉斯維加斯美亞聯盟會長秦亞玲等出席了開幕式。休假中的波士頓市長吴弭特別預錄了「祝福亚美节」的視頻,以表祝賀。本屆亞美節現場,除了長達五個小時不間斷的文藝表演外,更聚集了來自波士頓及周邊地區的百個商家攤位供遊客盡情遊覽,是自美國新冠疫情過後,規模最大的亞裔戶外文藝慶典。
中午十一時,隨著滿天陰雲突然消散,以亞美聯誼會、牛頓中文學校、廣州聯誼會等二十二個社區團體、學校組成的慶祝遊行隊伍回到會場。由亞美節藝術總監郭凌指揮的76位波士頓東方之聲合唱團的團員,與少年歌手Mirabel Weston以及現場全體嘉賓和觀眾,共同合唱美國國歌,拉開了本屆亞美節的序幕。亞美會執行會長、第十三屆亞美節組委會主席潘飛先生,首先宣布亚美节開幕,向各位來賓表示歡迎,同時對亚美节組委會同仁、義工志願者六個月以來的努力奉獻表示感謝。亞美會董事長、組委會發言人甄雲龍先生,亞美會聯合執行會長、組委會聯合執行主席曹品慈先生先後致辭,歡迎到場參與的所有嘉賓及觀眾、社區團體、贊助商家、及其他所有為本屆亞美節付出的社區內外工作人員。曹品慈先生表示,歷屆亞美節直到今日,都離不開社區各界團體和友人的大力支持;甄雲龍先生特別強調,“亞美節”是全體亞裔、甚至全體族裔的節日。他鼓勵全體社區民眾飽含熱情、團結一心,共同美化社區家園,正如他這位85歲的年輕人一樣。
在嘉賓致辭環節,陳軍超主任首先代表紐約總領館向全體來賓致以問候。在致辭中他對亞美會及所有為了改善兩國民間關係而付出努力的團體,表示了衷心的感謝。新任韓國總領事金在熙先生,則在致辭中對亞美節的規模表示震驚和欽佩。他幽默的說“起初我被告知有人邀請我參加一場‘小規模’的亞裔社區節日,但是,哇哦,這麼大規模這麼多人”。他表示,作為新任總領事,他對亞美會在過去多年為社區做出的貢獻、及與韓國的友好關係卻是早有耳聞,並表達了敬佩。麻州參議院臨時議長Will Brownsberger致辭稱,無論你曾經來自哪個族裔,今日都是作為美國人生活在這裡。他鼓勵各族裔人群保持這一共識的同時,繼承並發揚屬於本族裔的文化,讓波士頓擁有更多如亞美節一樣精彩的社區文化活動。作為第十三屆亞美節冠名贊助商,委會聯合主席、波士頓地產網總裁曹悅吉女士,在致辭中表示,她的公司通過與波士頓亞美社區的合作逐步發展壯大,她更堅信如亞美節這樣的活動,能夠給與她的家人體驗不同文化融和的機會,而這也是為什麼她會再次作為冠名贊助商站在這個舞台上的原因。協助商家代表,亞美會董事及澤遠南方地產公司總裁譚浩鏗先生、聯發瓜菜公司總裁陳清先生、Karma亞洲餐飲集團總裁Iverson Guo先生,先後在致辭中提及了自己的企業與亞美族裔之間的緊密聯繫和相互支持。他們對此記憶深刻,並決定通過支持亞美節來回饋社區,以求讓波士頓及美國的亞美族裔能擁有更多展示文化風采的機會。
開幕式的最後,主持人波士頓亞美聯誼會兼亞美節組委會秘書長、博世藝術總裁甘渴為,2022屆曼哈頓小姐稱號得主、哥倫比亞大學學生梁蕊馨共同宣佈,第十三屆亞美節演出部分正式開始。今年的亞美節現場表演,吸引了來自美國本土、中國、日本、韓國、泰國、印度、烏克蘭等多個專業團體及職業藝術家。三十五個極具文化特色的精彩節目,引得現場觀眾連連喝彩。著名新生代唱作人、中國三大頂級職業二胡比賽金獎大滿貫獲得者、青年二胡表演藝術家陳依妙帶來的新編版二胡曲目《賽馬》,節奏激昂,威勢蓬勃,吸引路過遊客紛紛聚集台下。來自天使舞蹈學校藝術團的學員們,身穿亮麗的服裝,雲鬢高挽,一出《敦煌彩繪》,領人重回千年前輝煌繁盛的大唐盛世。新英格蘭武術學院的青少年隊員們,刀劍鏗鏘,展示著中華傳統武術行雲流水、升龍落鳳的精彩技藝。同時,來自拉斯維加斯的東森電視台2017屆《Top Idol》大賽冠軍得主Moly Qin也將專程前來,獻上一首《At Your Best》。而以胡清醒獅隊、波士頓中華文化協會、菲律賓ISKWELAHANG PILIPINO舞團為代表的十數個參演團體,也在表演結束後向遊客現場教學舞獅、抖空竹、竹竿舞等特色民俗藝術。演出的最後部分,天氣驟變,雷雨將至,舞台因安全原因不得不暫停使用。現場觀眾依然熱情高漲, 掌聲歡呼聲雷動,候場的演出人員大受鼓舞,導演組立刻決定將表演轉移到舞臺前的草坪上。 滴答的雨珠未能熄滅現場所有人的熱情,沒有音樂,觀眾用手掌節拍伴奏, 完美搭配, 喝彩歡呼,呐喊助威,為本屆亞美節畫下了難以忘懷的完美閉幕。大雨中,在後台的休息區帳篷內,未能上台的郭嘉頤和她的朋友們,撥動琴弦,以音樂安撫著一旁未能完成壓軸演出《芬芳茉莉》的天使舞蹈學校的小演員們。
而商家攤位部分,除了以波士頓房產網、澤遠南方地產開發公司、USANA、聯發瓜菜公司、誠創教育為代表的數十家老牌合作夥伴外,更有以Karma亞洲餐飲集團、木凡和Tao’s Beauty為代表的數十家全新合作夥伴將參與現場攤位。十二家餐飲企業,在現場為遊客提供包括奶茶、甜品、風味小吃、烤串等各類美食,吸引各路遊客大排長龍。各類美妝用品、文創產品、服務業產品攤位,亦有遊客絡繹不絕,垂詢選購。同時,主辦方為遊客們準備的麻将、象棋攤位,竟出乎意料的吸引了大量當地路人,坐在台前一較高下。一位來自波士頓大學的白人女生,在經歷數輪苦戰後,終於擊敗了同行的三位好友成為一時“雀神”。而新近加入的波士頓亞裔摩托車俱樂部,在專屬展位向遊客們展示他們引以為傲的“鋼鐵駿馬”,雷霆霹靂般的引擎轟鳴聲一壯威勢,在引來大量路人合影的同時,也彰顯了亞裔群體的勇悍剛毅。此外,更多遊客通過領取《遊客指南》並完成刊登的小遊戲,將主辦方準備的百余份精美紀念品禮包領取一空。是日,琳瑯滿目的攤位,將使各界遊客流連忘返。由牛頓中文學校梁楠校長帶領的小記者團,在現場採訪遊客與參會嘉賓,
On September 9, 2023, the 13th Asian American Day Festival in the United States, sponsored by Blue Ocean Realty, a Boston real estate network, opened grandly in Boston Common in downtown Boston. State Senator Marc Pacheco, Speaker Pro Tempore Will Brownsberger, Boston City Speaker Ed Flynn, Director Chen Junchao and Consul Chen Qufeng of the Chinese Consulate General in New York, Consul General Kim Jae-hee of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston, Qin Yaling, President of the Las Vegas American-Asian Economy Alliance. attended Opening Ceremony. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, who is on vacation, specially pre-recorded a video of "Blessings for the Asian-American Day Festival" to express his congratulations. In addition to five hours of non-stop cultural performances, this AADay Festival also gathered hundreds of business stalls from Boston and surrounding areas for tourists to enjoy. It is the largest AADay Festival since the COVID-19 epidemic in the United States. Outdoor cultural celebration.
At 11 o'clock at noon, as the clouds in the sky suddenly dissipated, a celebration parade composed of 22 community groups and schools including the AAAB, Newton Chinese Language School, and Guangzhou Association returned to the venue. 76 members of Boston's Eastern Voices Choir, directed by Guo Ling, artistic director of the AADay Festival, sang the American national anthem with young singer Mirabel Weston and all the guests and the audience, kicking off this AADay Festival. Mr. Phillip Pan, Executive director of the AAAB and President of the 13th AADay Festival Organizing Committee, first announced the opening of the AADay Festival, welcomed all guests, and at the same time expressed his gratitude to the six AADay Festival Organizing Committee colleagues and volunteers. Thank you for your hard work and dedication over the past month. Mr. Klysler Yen, President of the AAAB and Spokesperson of the Organizing Committee, and Mr. Cao Pinci, Co-Executive director of the AAAB and Co-Executive Director of the Organizing Committee, delivered speeches successively, welcoming all participating guests and audiences, community groups, sponsors, and All other staff inside and outside the community who have contributed to this Asian-American Festival. Mr. Cao Pinci said that all previous AADay Festivals to this day are inseparable from the strong support of groups and friends from all walks of life in the community; Mr. Klysler Yen particularly emphasized that the "AADay Festival" is a festival for all Asians and even all ethnic groups. He encouraged the entire community to work together to beautify their homes with enthusiasm and unity, just like the 85-year-old young man himself.NT
During the guest speech session, Director Chen Junchao first extended greetings to all guests on behalf of the People Republic China Consulate General in New York. In his speech, he expressed his heartfelt thanks to the AAAB and all groups that have made efforts to improve people-to-people relations between the two countries. Mr. Kim Jae-hee, the new Consul General of South Korea, expressed his shock and admiration for the scale of the AADay Festival in his speech. He humorously said, "I was initially told that I was invited to a 'small' Asian community festival, but wow, it was so big and so many people." He said that as the new Consul General, he has long heard about the contributions that the AAAB has made to the community and the friendly relations with South Korea over the past many years, and expressed his admiration. Will Brownsberger, President Pro Tempore of the Massachusetts Senate, said in his speech that no matter which ethnic group you come from, you are living here as an American today. He encouraged people of all ethnic groups to maintain this consensus while inheriting and carrying forward the culture of their own ethnic groups, so that Boston could have more wonderful community cultural activities like the Asian-American Festival. As the title sponsor of the 13th AADay Festival, Ms. Rose Hall, co-chairman of the committee and president of Blue Ocean Realty, said in her speech that her company has gradually grown through cooperation with the Asian American community in Boston, and she firmly believes in this events like the AADay Festival can give her family the opportunity to experience the integration of different cultures, which is why she will stand on this stage as the title sponsor again. Assisting business representatives, Mr. Nicholas Tan, director of the Asia American Association and president of NT Development, Mr. Chen Qing, president of Lun Fat Produce inc, and Mr. Iverson Guo, president of Karma Asia Fusion, successively mentioned their companies and Asia America in their speeches Close ties and mutual support between ethnic groups. They remembered this deeply and decided to give back to the community by supporting the AADay Festival, in order to give Asian Americans in Boston and the United States more opportunities to showcase their cultural flair.
At the end of the opening ceremony, host Kewei Gan, secretary-general of the Boston AAAB and AADay Festival Organizing Committee and president of Boston Arts Creativity, and Liang Ruixin, the winner of the title of Miss Manhattan 2022 and Columbia University student, jointly announced that the 13th AADay Festival The performance part officially begins. This year's live performances at the AADay Festival attracted many professional groups and professional artists from the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, India, Ukraine, etc. Thirty-five wonderful programs with cultural characteristics attracted continuous applause from the audience. Chen Yimiao, a well-known new-generation singer-songwriter, a gold medal Grand Slam winner in China's three top professional erhu competitions, and a young erhu performing artist, presented a new version of the erhu piece "Horse Racing" with exciting rhythm and power, attracting passing tourists. Gather under the stage. Students from the Angel Dance School Art Troupe, dressed in bright costumes and with their hair tied high, performed "Dunhuang Paintings", taking people back to the glorious and prosperous Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago. The young team members of the New England Martial Arts Academy, with their swords clanging, demonstrated the wonderful skills of traditional Chinese martial arts, including rising dragons and falling phoenixes. At the same time, Moly Qin, the winner of the 2017 "Top Idol" contest of Dongsen TV from Las Vegas, will also make a special trip to present a song "At Your Best". More than a dozen participating groups, including the Hu Xingxing Lion Troupe, the Boston Chinese Cultural Association, and the ISKWELAHANG PILIPINO Dance Troupe from the Philippines, also taught special folk arts such as lion dance, diabolo shaking, and bamboo pole dance to tourists after the performance. During the last part of the performance, the weather suddenly changed and a thunderstorm was approaching, and the stage had to be suspended for safety reasons. The audience was still enthusiastic, with thunderous applause and cheers. The waiting performers were greatly encouraged, and the director team immediately decided to move the performance to the lawn in front of the stage. The dripping raindrops failed to extinguish the enthusiasm of everyone present. There was no music, and the audience used palm beats to accompany the performance, which was a perfect match. They cheered and cheered, creating an unforgettable and perfect ending for this Asia-American Festival. In the heavy rain, in the rest area tent backstage, Guo Jiayi and her friends, who were unable to go on stage, plucked the strings and used music to comfort the young actors from the Angel Dance School who were unable to complete the finale performance "Fragrant Jasmine".
As for the merchant stalls, in addition to dozens of established partners represented by Blue Ocean Realty, NT Development Company, USANA, Lun fat Produce inc, and Gallop Education, there are also dozens of established partners such as Karma Asia Fusion, MoreFun of new partners, including Tao's Beauty, will participate in on-site booths. Twelve catering companies provided tourists with milk tea, desserts, snacks, skewers and other delicacies on site, attracting long queues of tourists from all walks of life. There are also various stalls of beauty products, cultural and creative products, and service industry products, and there are also an endless stream of tourists, making inquiries and purchases. At the same time, the mahjong and chess stalls prepared by the organizers for tourists unexpectedly attracted a large number of local passers-by, sitting in front of the stage to compete. A white girl from Boston University, after several rounds of hard battles, finally defeated three of her friends in the same industry and became the "Sparrow God" for a while. The recently joined Boston Asian Motorcycle Club showed off their proud "steel horse" to visitors at an exclusive booth. The thunderous roar of the engine was so powerful that it attracted a large number of passers-by to take photos. It demonstrates the bravery and perseverance of the Asian community. In addition, more tourists collected more than 100 exquisite souvenir gift packs prepared by the organizer by receiving the "Tourist Guide" and completing the published mini-games. On this day, the dazzling array of stalls will attract tourists from all walks of life. A small press team led by Principal Liang Nan of Newton Chinese School interviewed tourists and guests at the scene.
While adhering to the purpose of “integrating Asian and American ethnic groups and beautifying community homes”, this AADay Festival also pays more attention to showing the cultural and interesting nature of the event to all walks of life in the community. In addition to various souvenirs and cultural booths, all background boards and exhibition boards on site are also designed with the theme of "National Trend" and "Dunhuang Style". The distinctive large-scale exhibition board set up on site also attracted on-site guests, performance groups and tourists to sign and take photos. The gathering of stars, the gathering of heroes, the golden hair hanging down, everyone enjoying themselves, has become the biggest feature of the 13th AADay Festival in the United States.